Price Guarantee

Price-Match Guarantee
At Enzyme Cleaning Solutions we want to be the lowest cost supplier of all Enzyme Wizard & Enviro Wizard products in Australia. We constantly check our competitors prices to make sure. If you can find a cheaper price for any of the Enzyme Wizard or Enviro Wizard products we supply, simply contact us (with supporting evidence eg. web link) and we will give you a further 5% discount off the lower price.
Money-Back Guarantee
We believe in our highest quality products so much that if you are not 100% satisfied with an item you have purchased from our website, you can return the item(s) within 30 days of the purchase date in order to quality for a refund of purchase price of product(s) returned. Furthermore all returning items must be less than 20% used to quality for refund (because if you truly didn't like the product you wouldn't use more than 20%).